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Surgical Headlights


Selecting Quality Surgical Headlights

Every doctor, dentist, and veterinarian needs top performing surgical headlights, whether it's for a routine examination or a life-saving operation. These may be only a small part of your equipment when pitted beside all the other machinery for surgical. Headlights are nevertheless a crucial piece of equipment indeed, and must function dependably.

Dependable Surgical Head Lights

Imagine how dangerous it would be if the surgical head lights you rely on begin to flicker in the middle of a surgery, or stop working altogether. In the dim light, will you end up trying to perform open heart surgery on a lung? How well will you be able to see that root canal? Will you be trying to spay a male dog in the dim lighting? LOL, okay those are exaggerations, but the point is that dim light can cause bad things to happen in the operating room.

Buy a well made headset.


Surgical head lights help you see things more clearly where the light from the other fixtures in the room cannot reach. It's important to have them fit snugly and perfectly on your head. Lights should be chosen with padding so you won't feel any strain if you will be using them for extended periods of time. Some surgery lights only come with silicon, plastic, or metal head bands. While these may make them easier to store or transport, these types of fittings usually cause some discomfort after even a few minutes of use.

Headlamps follow the surgeon's gaze, while overhead surgery lighting has to be continually re-adjusted.

On the head: better surgery outcomes: better for surgeons' eyes.

Typical overhead lighting or stands: better for, um, getting in your way and casting shadows.

What Comes With Surgical Headlights

Surgical head lights should contain an extra replacement bulb, two batteries, a charger, and a carrying case. It's important to have the extra battery handy at all times to prevent any interruptions. Most also come with a controller with which you could readily adjust the intensity and brightness of the bulb. Different tasks require different degrees of brightness, and having the right amount of light for the specific task to be performed is essential. Having brightness options also allows you to conserve battery life at some times. Cordless sets have also begun making their debut into the market, giving greater flexibility to the surgeon by allowing the battery pack to be attached on a waist belt or directly on the headset, thus eliminating the cord obstacle.

Surgery headsets are

  • unobtrusive,
  • light weight,
  • extremely portable and mobile,
  • nothing to trip on,
  • nothing to bump in to,
  • focused,
  • direct,
  • bright,
  • easy on the budget.

What makes the best headlamps?

Of all the normal features of surgery headlamps, the best are cordless.